Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cami is gone

Cami starts her way to Berlin today. First she goes to NY ( which she is doing right now ), then she will get on a plane to Berlin Germany!! When I am 15 I want to go to Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet Cami is going to have an awesome time with Andrea in Germany.

Let's talk about yesterday now!
Mama took me to get a pedicure and boy, it made my feet pretty but, I'm ticklish on my feet so I was laughing a lot.
I got dark blue toes now with a flower on my big toes though!!!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Cami's alarm didn't go off this morning, so guess what? Josiah had to come down here and wake us up at 8:00!
So I had to do school until 12:00. At least we weren't too late, Right?

Mama is at a Weight Watchers meeting or something,and Papa just got home from the Doctor.


Monday, July 25, 2011

The Dentist

I went to the Dentist today!! I like the Dentist.
I like the dentist BECAUSE 1. I get a toy at the end, 2. My teeth get clean.

I've been waiting for Savannah to send me a letter...

I'm Out.


Sunday, July 24, 2011




Our cute dog, Margarita.


My VERY Pretty Mama!

Well I just got up so not much has happened...
Um, I got up at 10:30 (because I can). as usual Josiah on the wii, Papa on his computer, Mama on her computer, Caleb in his room watching TV..
Tomorrow I have to do school. Not exited about that...

Saturday, July 23, 2011


It's Saturday so that means NO SCHOOL!!! I started 5th grade on Monday. I get up at 6:00 in the morning and end around 11:00.

Since I had so much fun with Savannah sleeping over I sent a letter to her saying that maybe we could have another sleepover!!

Anyway a MIRACLE happened today Josiah's room is CLEAN!! Let me say that once more, JOSIAH'S ROOM IS CLEAN!!!
His closet is clean too!!
Of course Josiah is NOT the one who cleaned his room... Papa did.

It was a normal day today for me. Let me tell you what I did.
I ate, I hung out in my room, I wrote Savannah a letter, I ate...


Friday, July 22, 2011

More Pictures

I Found out how to post pictures can you tell?



What I did in July

HELLO!! I'm back. Anyway... Normal Day.. Just wanted to write something because I haven't for a long time... So I will tell you what I did in July!! Andrea our german exchange student came over that was fun! We went to see Cars 2, Andrea Cami, and I went to Ashley Park, Papa grilled a nice American Barbecue for her too!!!!!!! We watched fireworks which by the way were in the air and THAT is a legal in Georgia... XD It was raining while the fireworks were going on so we got soaked!!

Now lets talk about a bit about Papa!!
He left to the Mayo Clinic the day Andrea's parents came to pick her up. Papa has something wrong with his shoulder or something like that so he has to go to lots of doctors. He went to the Mayo Clinic for three days. Papa brought back souvenirs for us I got a Shasta Magnet and a little bug toy that vibrates and goes in circles on the hard wood floor.

Alright I have nothing else to talk about...